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5 Ways to Stop Your Dog from Barking All Night


There's nothing quite as refreshing as the feeling of your head hitting the pillow after a long day — that is, until you wake up to your barking dog. A dog barking throughout the night creates a big problem for you as well as your family and possibly the neighbors. If your dog is trying to get back to his roots and howling at the moon, try these five tips to stop your dog from barking all night.

Why do dogs bark at night?

Without the ability to speak in real words, dogs have to be creative when they want to communicate. They use barking as the most common way to tell us how they feel, to keep an eye on neighborhood animals, and to chat at night. However, sometimes it's not easy to explain why your dog chooses to join the neighborhood course. Some of the reasons why a dog barks all night are:

Loneliness: Often barking dogs are out all night. Being alone in the confines of your home can make them feel lonely or withdrawn. Barking is their way of reminding you that you've forgotten something, like leaving the back door open, or it's their way of bringing your attention back to them.

Boredom: Dogs love to be social and play with other dogs and people. Dogs that are bored may bark to get some fun or get your attention. Along with boredom comes lack of exercise. If a dog doesn't get an adequate amount of exercise each day, that excess energy can turn into barking.

Noise: When it's dark, we all get a little more nervous about everyday noise. Dogs are no different. They may bark at noises they hear at night because they cannot see them to know what they are.

Other Animals: It's rare that you only hear one dog barking all night. Rather, your dog will most likely be part of a group. They bark at each other to indicate potential threats or to claim territory. Whether it's a feral cat or a stray coon, your dog may bark at it to let you know there's an unwanted visitor or to try to persuade an intruder to go somewhere else.

How to stop your dog from barking all night

Whether or not you know why your dog barks all night, here are some ways you can try to fix it so everyone gets a good night's sleep.

1. To Ignored

So, at first glance, you might be thinking that it doesn't seem possible. How are you supposed to ignore something that is so upsetting and sleep-depriving? Well, this method is for those of us who have gotten out of bed trying to stop a noisy dog ​​from barking. These dogs quickly learn that barking equals a one-night stand in your bed, or worse. If this is a familiar situation that occurs in your home, it's time to stop paying attention when your dog barks to try to break the cycle.

Of course, this method will only work if your dog isn't bothering the neighbors or your family too much, as short-term barking can be worse than ignoring your dog.

2. Bring them Inside

If your dog's barking problems are caused by being outside, bring him inside. Find a quiet corner of your home so they can sleep or consider a crate or x-pen for more comfortable confinement.

Of course, if your dog barks when you're inside at night, you'll have to get a little more creative. Crates and X-pens can still work in quieter parts of the house, or consider a white noise machine to drown out those creepy or curious sounds.

3. Exercise

Putting your dog through their paces before bed is a great way to ensure a good night's sleep. Wearing them to a point where they don't want to bark can help them calm down and get ready for sleep instead of making noise.

4. Bark Deterrents

Bark prevention such as using a bark control collar can also help reduce your dog's barking at night. Bark control collars work by emitting a tone, vibration, static shock, or unpleasant odor when your dog barks, teaching them that barking equals unpleasantness. Instead of a collar, you can look for an ultrasonic device that makes a loud noise when your dog barks. These devices do not need to be worn by your dog, but will be placed around your dog's area.

5. Make Your Dog Comfortable

Maybe your dog is barking all night just because he's not comfortable in his current situation. Providing them with a nice bed, a quiet place, or even a pheromone diffuser can help calm their jittery nerves.

If your dog continues to bark throughout the night after trying some or all of these methods, consult your veterinarian to rule out any possible medical causes for the barking. You may also consider consulting a professional trainer for those really difficult dogs for a more customized approach.



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